Resources for Families
“Eating disorders are serious illnesses that can be life-threatening. They are also extremely complex illnesses, arising from a variety of biological, psychological and social factors. Whether you are here for yourself, a loved one or to complete a school project, NEDA has amassed a large resource of information to help you better understand eating disorders.” ~ http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org
Select each category below to find resources for eating disorders.
General Knowledge
- National Eating Disorders Association Parent Toolkit
The NEDA Parent Toolkit was created to provide some of these tools that can be used in critical moments in your search for help, hope and healing. - Family Involvement in Treatment
Eating disorders are deeply personal, and it’s not uncommon for someone with an eating disorder to feel very alone. This article discusses signs of eating disorders, the importance of self care, and ways of how familes can help. - How to Help Someone Who Has an Eating Disorder
Tips that can help you support your child, family member, or friend. - Helping Someone who has an Eating Disorder
Family members are sometimes among the last people to know when a loved one suffers from an eating disorder. - What parents should know about eating disorders
University of Michigan, Family Focused Treatment - Eating Disorders, Mayo Clinic
Eating disorders are serious health conditions that affect both your physical and mental health. These conditions include problems in how you think about food, eating, weight and shape, and in your eating behaviors.
RR: Eating Disorder Management– An app for managing your journey to recovery from eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and ARFID. This app is also intended for people with general eating, weight and shape concerns.
Books / Articles
- Eating Disorders Overview– Rachel Kramer, PhD
- How to Get Your Kid to Eat… But Not Too Much – by Ellyn Satter
- I’m, Like, So Fat: Helping Your teen Make Healthy Choices about Eating and Exercise in a Weight-Obsessed World – Dianne Neumark-Sztainer
- The Parent’s Guide to Eating DIsorders: Supporting Self-Esteem, Healthy Eating, and Positive Body Image at Home – Marcia Herrin Ed.D. M.P.H. R.D.
- Skills-based Learning for Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder: The New Maudsley Method – Janet Treasure, Grainne Smith & Anna Crane
- Take Charge of Your Child’s Eating Disorder: A physician’s Step by Step Guide to Defeating Anorexia and Bulemia – Pamel Carlton, M.D., and Deborah Ashin
- When Your Child Has an Eating Diorder: A Step-by-Step Workbook for Parents and other Caregivers – Abigail Natenshon
- National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) Helpline: (800) 931-2237
- NEDA Get Help