Resources for Families
“It’s common for parents to feel powerless and frustrated when their kids are getting bullied. But often parents don’t know it’s happening. Parents play a vital role in supporting their kids, helping them be upstanders, and teaching and modeling empathy in the home and beyond. We’ve provided resources below to help you with these discussions and to empower you to stand up for your child effectively- when working with a school to resolve a bullying situation.”~ http://www.thebullyproject.com/parents
Select each category below to find resources for bullying.
- The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander: From Preschool to High School – How Parents and Teacher Can Help Break the Cycle – Barbara Coloroso
- Easing the Teasing: Helping Your Child Cope with Name-Calling, Ridicule, and Verbal Bullying – Judy Freedman
- Cliques: Eight Steps to Help Your Child Survive the Social Jungle – GIannetti and Sagarese
- The Essential Guide to Bullying: Prevention and Intervention – Cindy Miller and Cynthia Lowen
- Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression in Girls – Rachel Simmons
- The Anti-Bullying and Teasing Book: For Preschool Classrooms – Barbara Sprung
- Hate Hurts: H0w Children Learn and Unlearn Prejudice – Stern-LaRosa Caryl and Ellen Hofheimer-Bettman
- Bullying – Shashank Joshi, MD
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)