Trainings/Programs Resources for Students & Parents
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Curriculum | Website Link | Content | Brief Description | Who Can Be Trained | Format | Duration | Cost and Access | Who teaches the curriculum | Evidence-Based or Evidence-Informed? | Annotations w/ research supporting curricula | Languages (if available) | If applicable: How long does it take to train the trainer? |
Bounce Back | https://www.cebc4cw.org/program/bounce-back/detailed#:~:text=The%20goals%20for%20Bounce%20Back,coping%20and%20problem%20solving%20strategies | General Mental Health | School-based group intervention that aims to teach elementary students ways to cope with and recover from traumatic experiences | Elementary students exposed to stressful and traumatic events (K-5, ages 5-11) with one to three 1-hour group parent sessions | Ten group sessions of 4 to 6 children and 2-3 individual sessions if needed. | Approximatly 10 weeks for one session per week. | Materials Free download. Cost of printing. Training cost is $2,500 per trainer for the 1 day training and $3750 per trainer for the 1.5 day training plus travel, hotel, meals. 1 trainer per 15 trainees. The 1.5 day training is for clinicians who have not been trained previously in Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) | One day training is recommended for mental health clinicians who have been trained in Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) and or Trauma Focused- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and who have solid familiarity with child trauma, group therapy and CBT. One and 1/2 day training is for clinicians who have not been previously trained in CBITS. How to make material culturally and contextually relevant included. | N/A | 1 randomized controlled trial completed shows effective. Replication study underway; Langley, A.K. et. al. (2015). Bounce back: Effectiveness of an elemenatary school-based intervention for multicultural children exposed to traumatic events. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83, 853-865. | N/A | Training a trainer can take 6-12 months to complete |
Good Behavior Game | https://goodbehaviorgame.air.org/evidence_base.html | Suicide Prevention and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) | Helps create a positive learning environment by rewarding young children for on-task behaviors and encouraging teamwork. | Elementary students; 1st and 2nd grade classrooms | In-class | 1 yr+ (~10-15 min. once a week) | Cost is difficult to estimate because it really depends on the number of people being trained and who provides the ongoing coaching support. We typically estimate that it costs roughly $500 per teacher, but due to economies of scale, we would typically recommend training at least 40 teachers at a time. | Teachers and Educators | Evidence-Based | See website: known to have positive and better life outcomes, including a decrease in suicide ideation, aggressive behavior, smoking, substance abuse, etc. | N/A | N/A |
Riding the Waves | https://www.crisisconnections.org/get-training/schools/ | General Mental Health and Healthy Emotional Development | Curriculum composed of interactive discussions and skill-building activities. Lessons address healthy emotional development, depression, and anxiety. This curriculum’s overarching goal is to build the emotional skills within children to prevent suicide at its earliest stages. | 5th grade students & parent education handout available | In-class | 12 short (20-40 minutes) lessons | For $250 you will get access to 12 short (20-40 minutes) lessons in Riding the Waves, which includes interactive discussions and skill-building activities. Another component to Riding the Waves is a parent education handout, which students will take home to share with parents or guardians. They not only summarize the content of that day’s lesson, but also encourage parents to talk about and practice the new skills with their children. | Elementary school counselors | Evidence-Based | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Signs of Suicide (SOS) | https://www.mindwise.org/suicide-prevention/ | Suicide Prevention, SPRC Gatekeeper | Students will learn how to identify the signs of depression and suicide in themselves and their peers. This training promotes help-seeking behaviors through the ACT model (Acknowledge, Care, Tell). | Middle school and High school students, ages 11-17. Gatekeeper training portions available for parents or school staff | In-class | 1 hr | $495 for one year license (DVD, discussion guide, depression screening tool, access to online portal) | School staff | Evidence-Based | • National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP) evidence-based trainings recommended for school counselors and social workers • Designation as a "Program with Evidence of Effectiveness" • SPRC designated this intervention as a “program with evidence of effectiveness” based on its inclusion in SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP). | N/A | N/A |
Trevor Lifeguard Workshop | https://www.thetrevorproject.org/ | Suicide Prevention, SPRC Gatekeeper | Students will be able to identify the warning signs of depression and suicide, as well as personal self-care strategies, how to respond to warning signs of suicide to keep peers safe, identify one supportive adult, and how to access services of Trevor Project. There are two versions of the workshop: one for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth and one for general youth audiences. General youth audience examines the impact of their language and actions. Note: NOT to be conducted within a year after a school has experienced a completed suicide. | Middle and High school students | In-class or club meeting of 35 people or less | 45-60 minute interactive workshop including activities and 3 videos | FREE: includes access to 45-60 minute interactive workshop consisting of activities and 3 videos; Curriculum & classroom activities available on line; https://www.thetrevorproject.org/education/lifeguard-workshop/ | FREE online webinar training available for adult facilitators | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | Subtitles in Spanish & material can be presented in Spanish | N/A |
LivingWorks START (most recent program) | https://www.livingworks.net/start | Suicide Prevention | Students will be able to identify the warning signs of suicide and be able to connect peers to resources | Middle and High school students. Training available for staff | Online | 1-1.5 hours | Will be available for FREE via request to Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE); includes access to curricula, safety resources, and support | Online training | Evidence-Based | Emailed attachments of an info sheet as well as evidenced based research that was completed for the California Board of Education that was conducted on both eSuicideTALK and LivingWorks Start. | N/A | N/A |
Lifelines Prevention: Building Knowledge and Skills to Prevent Suicide | https://www.hazelden.org/web/public/lifelines.page | Suicide Prevention, SPRC Gatekeeper | Provides students with facts about suicide in lessons that include role playing exercises teaching them what to do when faced with a suicidal peer. | Middle and High school students | In-class | Four 45-minute lessons | Curriculum cost: $265 (includes a facilitator guide, two DVDs, and a USB Flash Drive with reproducible materials) Training cost: $5,000 for 1-day training + ~$1,000 for travel costs for 1-trainer, 1-day (training can hold an average of 40 participants). * Training cost can be shared by participating school districts Total Cost: ~$6,265 | School staff/teachers can be trained to deliver the training; Training cost: $5,000 for 1-day training + ~$1,000 for travel costs for 1-trainer, 1-day (training can hold an average of 40 participants). * Training cost can be shared by participating school districts Total Cost: ~$6,000 | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | 1-day training (training can hold an average of 40 participants). |
Lifelines Intervention: Helping Students at Risk for Suicide | https://www.hazelden.org/web/public/lifelines.page | Suicide Intervention, SPRC Gatekeeper | Provides information on how to respond to signs of suicide and address an at-risk student | Middle and High school students | In-class | 1 day training | Curriculum cost: $185 (includes a facilitator guide, a DVD, and a USB Flash Drive with reproducible materials) Training cost: $5,000 for 1-day training + ~$1,000 for travel costs for 1-trainer, 1-day (training can hold an average of 40 participants). * Training cost can be shared by participating school districts Total Cost: ~$6,185 | Social workers and school counselors (those participating in the interventions) can be trained to deliver the training; Training cost: $5,000 for 1-day training + ~$1,000 for travel costs for 1-trainer, 1-day (training can hold an average of 40 participants). * Training cost can be shared by participating school districts Total Cost: ~$6,000 | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | 1-day training (training can hold an average of 40 participants). |
Lifelines Postvention: Responding to Suicide and Other Traumatic Death | https://www.hazelden.org/web/public/lifelines.page | Suicide Postvention, SPRC Gatekeeper | Focused on providing information on how to respond to suicide and other traumatic deaths in a school setting | Middle and High school students | In-class | 1 day training | Curriculum cost: $145 (includes a facilitator guide, a DVD, and a USB Flash Drive with reproducible materials) Training cost: $5,000 for 1-day training + ~$1,000 for travel costs for 1-trainer, 1-day (training can hold an average of 40 participants). * Training cost can be shared by participating school districts Total Cost: ~$6,145 | School administrative, leadership staff and social workers can be trained to deliver the training; Training cost: $5,000 for 1-day training + ~$1,000 for travel costs for 1-trainer, 1- day (training can hold an average of 40 participants). * Training cost can be shared by participating school districts Total Cost: ~$6,000 | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | 1-day training (training can hold an average of 40 participants). |
LOOK LISTEN LINK | https://www.crisisconnections.org/get-training/schools/ | Suicide Prevention and General Mental Health, SPRC Gatekeeper | Students will learn how to identify the signs of stress, anxiety, depression, and suicide prevention in themselves and their peers. This training promotes help-seeking behaviors and provides skill practice. | 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students | In-class | Four 45-minute lessons | For the low price of $250 you will get access to four short 45-minute lessons | Classroom teachers or counselors can incorporate into their health, social skills or family life curricula. | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | N/A |
Sources of Strength | https://sourcesofstrength.org | Suicide Prevention and General Mental Health, SPRC Gatekeeper | Focused on increasing help seeking behaviors and promoting connections between peers and adults. This training uses upstream approaches to strengthen sources of support. Note: Must identify adult lead (school site) to champion this work and support peer leaders | Middle/High school students. Parent & school staff trainings available | In-person | 3-6 month project | $5,000 per school/team plus an additional $4,000 to send one participant to attend a four-day Train the Trainer (T4T) event. The cost per participant drops to $2,500 if you send more than one. More details on the cost and access can be found at: https://www.sprc. org/sites/default/files/Sources%20of%20Strength%20NREPP%20LEgacy% | The program is delivered by either someone from Sources of Strength national training staff or a certified regional trainer. Costs: $4,000 to send one participant to attend a four-day Train the Trainer (T4T) event; the cost per participant drops to $2,500 if you send more than one. | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | Generally, about 18 months. The two most time-consuming pieces of certification are that the candidate needs to attend a four-day Train the Trainer (T4T) event, and then co-train with someone from Sources of Strength staff twice. More details on the process of trainer certification can be found at: https: //sourcesofstrength.org/trainers/t4t-overview/ |
NAMI Ending the Silence for Students | https://www.nami.org/Support-Education/Mental-Health-Education/NAMI-Ending-the-Silence | General Mental Health | Students will gain knowledge on warning signs of mental health conditions, facts and statistics and how to get help for themselves or a friend. | Middle/High school students. FREE parent & school staff 1 hour presentations available | In-person | 50 minute presentation | FREE: consists of a 50 min. presentation which includes two leaders: one who shares an informative presentation and a young adult with a mental health condition who shares their journey of recovery. Audience members can ask questions and gain understanding of an often-misunderstood topic. | The presentation is delivered by two program leaders: one who shares an informative presentation and a young adult with a mental health condition who shares their journey of recovery. | Evidence-Informed | https://doi.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fsah0000135 | N/A | N/A |
Sandy Hook Promise’s Start with Hello | https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/our-programs/start-with-hello/ | General Mental Health | This training promotes connectedness and inclusion; students will be able to recognize social isolation | 6-12 grade students | In-person presentation or digital format | 30-45 minute training | FREE (includes a train the trainer video, activities, and lesson plans that can be used to teach students the skills they need to create a culture of inclusion in their school and community) | Educators (is a self-led program meaning it is designed for educators and administrators to be able to lead the program) | Evidence-Informed | Did not provide any attachements | N/A | The train the trainer video is roughly 30 minutes -video is also free |
Sandy Hook Promise - Say Something | https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/our-programs/say-something/ | General Mental Health | Students will learn to identify the warning signs and threats of someone at risk of hurting themselves or others and how to intervene. | 6-12 grade students | In-person presentation or digital format | 30-45 minute training | FREE (includes a 30-minute plug-and-play student training video, educator guides for a do-it-yourself presentation, and supporting materials) | Educators (is a self-led program meaning it is designed for educators and administrators to be able to lead the program); a 30-minute plug-and-play student training video is also offered as an alternative | Evidence-Informed | Did not provide any attachements | N/A | The train the trainer video is roughly 30 minutes -video is also free |
More Than Sad | https://afsp.org/more-than-sad/ | Suicide Prevention and General Mental Health, SPRC Gatekeeper | There are three programs for More Than Sad: a. School personnel learn school's resources, policies & protocols for identifying & assisting youth at risk of suicide; b. Parents learn to identify signs of depression & other mental health problems, how to talk about mental health with their child & how to get help; | High School students [note: may be used for middle school students]. Training video is available for educators, school staff, & parents | In-class for students, Teachers and parents version in assembly or staff development | The program is built around two 35-minute DVDs | $59.99 for two DVD set from AFSP store. Accompanying material (facilitator guide and other materials) can be downloaded on the AFSP website https: //afsp.org/our-work/education/more-than-sad/. Local AFSP chapters can gift the program to schools no cost. If chapter hosts MTS presentation is is at no cost. | School educator/counselor or, if through the local AFSP chapter, by volunteers. | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | Training available for parents and staff (English and Spanish) | Approximately one half day. Current TSL model being modified. Mini pilot being conducted to modify the TSL model. |
Gryphon Place Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Program: A Middle School Curriculum | https://www.gryphon.org/gatekeeper | Suicide Prevention, SPRC Gatekeeper | De-stigmatize mental illness, identify the warning signs of suicide and increase help-seeking behavior. This Gatekeeper Program has never been brought outside of MI state lines. Currently don't have the copyright or staff to administer the program on a larger scale. Listed on SPRC "Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program", July 2018 | Middle school students (7th grade). Staff and parent awareness presentations are offered to schools | In-class | Three 1-hour sessions taught on consecutive days | Costs vary; payment is dependant on the school district | Whoever is trained and is working with the school district | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | The training is 3-4 days. |
Kognito: Friend2Friend | https://kognito.com/blog/new-friend2friend-simulation-develops-key-skills-in-identifying-and-preventing-bullying/ | Suicide Prevention and General Mental Health, SPRC Gatekeeper | A game-based simulation that prepares youth to recognize warning signs of mental health challenges & suicide, reach out to peers, & help identify an adult for support. Available through second year+ of S4SP partnership. | Middle and High school students, ages 13-18 | Online | 30 mins | * Available via cost-share with County of Santa Clara * Individual Users: $33.60 * Cost/district: $5,000 ($400/school) * Includes yearly subscriptions to simulations that include hosting, technical assistance, program evaluation, and usage reports | Online simulation | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | N/A |
Youth Aware of Mental Health (YAM) | https://www.y-a-m.org/ | General Mental Health, Suicide Prevention | Youth Aware of Mental Health (YAM) is a youth driven school-based program in which youth learn about and discuss mental health through discussion and role-plays. YAM invites youth to reflect on their emotions and to consider different approaches when faced with life challenges or mental health concerns. | 8-12 grade students, ages 13-17 | In-class | 5 sessions, 1 hr each over three weeks | Contact YAM at info@mentalhealthinmind.com | Two trained adult program facilitators | Evidence-Based | YAM was evaluated in EU-wide Randomized Controlled Trial in which more than 11, 000 youth participated. Results found YAM effective in reducing new cases of suicide attempts and severe suicidal ideation by approximately 50%. New cases of depression were reduced by approximately 30% in the youth participating in YAM. | YAM works within local needs including language and culture | One of these adults have completed an intensive week-long certification before becoming a YAM instructor and the other one a shorter training to act as support in the classroom. All YAM instructors have prior experience working with groups of youth (e.g., youth workers, teachers, social workers, counselors or school psychologists). |
Trevor Lifeguard Workshop | https://www.thetrevorproject.org/ | Suicide Prevention, SPRC Gatekeeper | Students will be able to identify the warning signs of depression and suicide, as well as personal self-care strategies, how to respond to warning signs of suicide to keep peers safe, identify one supportive adult, and how to access services of Trevor Project. There are two versions of the workshop: one for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth and one for general youth audiences. General youth audience examines the impact of their language and actions. NOT to be conducted within a year after a school has experienced a completed suicide. | Middle and High school students | In-class or club meeting of 35 people or less | 45-60 minute interactive workshop including activities and 3 videos | FREE: includes access to 45-60 minute interactive workshop consisting of activities and 3 videos; Curriculum & classroom activities available on line; https://www.thetrevorproject.org/education/lifeguard-workshop/ | FREE online webinar training available for adult facilitators | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | Subtitles in Spanish & material can be presented in Spanish | N/A |
LivingWorks START (most recent program) | https://www.livingworks.net/start | Suicide Prevention | Students will be able to identify the warning signs of suicide and be able to connect peers to resources | Middle and High school students. Training available for staff | Online | 1-1.5 hours | Will be available for FREE via request to Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE); includes access to curricula, safety resources, and support | Online training | Evidence-Based | Emailed attachments of an info sheet as well as evidenced based research that was completed for the California Board of Education that was conducted on both eSuicideTALK and LivingWorks Start. | N/A | N/A |
Lifelines Prevention: Building Knowledge and Skills to Prevent Suicide | https://www.hazelden.org/web/public/lifelines.page | Suicide Prevention, SPRC Gatekeeper | Provides students with facts about suicide in lessons that include role playing exercises teaching them what to do when faced with a suicidal peer. | Middle and High school students | In-class | Four 45-minute lessons | Curriculum cost: $265 (includes a facilitator guide, two DVDs, and a USB Flash Drive with reproducible materials) Training cost: $5,000 for 1-day training + ~$1,000 for travel costs for 1-trainer, 1-day (training can hold an average of 40 participants). * Training cost can be shared by participating school districts Total Cost: ~$6,265 | School staff/teachers can be trained to deliver the training; Training cost: $5,000 for 1-day training + ~$1,000 for travel costs for 1-trainer, 1-day (training can hold an average of 40 participants). * Training cost can be shared by participating school districts Total Cost: ~$6,000 | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | 1-day training (training can hold an average of 40 participants). |
Lifelines Intervention: Helping Students at Risk for Suicide | https://www.hazelden.org/web/public/lifelines.page | Suicide Intervention, SPRC Gatekeeper | Provides information on how to respond to signs of suicide and address an at-risk student | Middle and High school students | In-class | 1 day training | Curriculum cost: $185 (includes a facilitator guide, a DVD, and a USB Flash Drive with reproducible materials) Training cost: $5,000 for 1-day training + ~$1,000 for travel costs for 1-trainer, 1-day (training can hold an average of 40 participants). * Training cost can be shared by participating school districts Total Cost: ~$6,185 | Social workers and school counselors (those participating in the interventions) can be trained to deliver the training; Training cost: $5,000 for 1-day training + ~$1,000 for travel costs for 1-trainer, 1-day (training can hold an average of 40 participants). * Training cost can be shared by participating school districts Total Cost: ~$6,000 | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | 1-day training (training can hold an average of 40 participants). |
Lifelines Postvention: Responding to Suicide and Other Traumatic Death | https://www.hazelden.org/web/public/lifelines.page | Suicide Postvention, SPRC Gatekeeper | Focused on providing information on how to respond to suicide and other traumatic deaths in a school setting | Middle and High school students | In-class | 1 day training | Curriculum cost: $145 (includes a facilitator guide, a DVD, and a USB Flash Drive with reproducible materials) Training cost: $5,000 for 1-day training + ~$1,000 for travel costs for 1-trainer, 1-day (training can hold an average of 40 participants). * Training cost can be shared by participating school districts Total Cost: ~$6,145 | School administrative, leadership staff and social workers can be trained to deliver the training; Training cost: $5,000 for 1-day training + ~$1,000 for travel costs for 1-trainer, 1- day (training can hold an average of 40 participants). * Training cost can be shared by participating school districts Total Cost: ~$6,000 | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | 1-day training (training can hold an average of 40 participants). |
Kognito: Friend2Friend | https://kognito.com/blog/new-friend2friend-simulation-develops-key-skills-in-identifying-and-preventing-bullying/ | Suicide Prevention and General Mental Health, SPRC Gatekeeper | A game-based simulation that prepares youth to recognize warning signs of mental health challenges & suicide, reach out to peers, & help identify an adult for support. Available through second year+ of S4SP partnership. | Middle and High school students, ages 13-18 | Online | 30 mins | * Available via cost-share with County of Santa Clara * Individual Users: $33.60 * Cost/district: $5,000 ($400/school) * Includes yearly subscriptions to simulations that include hosting, technical assistance, program evaluation, and usage reports | Online simulation | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | |
Sources of Strength | https://sourcesofstrength.org | Suicide Prevention and General Mental Health, SPRC Gatekeeper | Focused on increasing help seeking behaviors and promoting connections between peers and adults. This training uses upstream approaches to strengthen sources of support. Must identify adult lead (school site) to champion this work and support peer leaders. | Middle/High school students. Parent & school staff trainings available | In-person | 3-6 month project | $5,000 per school/team plus an additional $4,000 to send one participant to attend a four-day Train the Trainer (T4T) event. The cost per participant drops to $2,500 if you send more than one. More details on the cost and access can be found at: https://www.sprc. org/sites/default/files/Sources%20of%20Strength%20NREPP%20LEgacy% 20Listing.pdf | The program is delivered by either someone from Sources of Strength national training staff or a certified regional trainer. Costs: $4,000 to send one participant to attend a four-day Train the Trainer (T4T) event; the cost per participant drops to $2,500 if you send more than one. | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | Generally, about 18 months. The two most time-consuming pieces of certification are that the candidate needs to attend a four-day Train the Trainer (T4T) event, and then co-train with someone from Sources of Strength staff twice. More details on the process of trainer certification can be found at: https: //sourcesofstrength.org/trainers/t4t-overview/ |
NAMI Ending the Silence for Students | https://www.nami.org/Support-Education/Mental-Health-Education/NAMI-Ending-the-Silence | General Mental Health | Students will gain knowledge on warning signs of mental health conditions, facts and statistics and how to get help for themselves or a friend. | Middle/High school students. FREE parent & school staff 1 hour presentations available | In-person | 50 minute presentation | FREE: consists of a 50 min. presentation which includes two leaders: one who shares an informative presentation and a young adult with a mental health condition who shares their journey of recovery. Audience members can ask questions and gain understanding of an often-misunderstood topic. | The presentation is delivered by two program leaders: one who shares an informative presentation and a young adult with a mental health condition who shares their journey of recovery. | Evidence-Informed | https://doi.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fsah0000135 | N/A | N/A |
Response: A Comprehensive High School-based Suicide Awareness Program (2nd Edition) | https://sprc.org/online-library/after-suicide-toolkit-schools | Suicide Prevention, SPRC Gatekeeper | Increase awareness about suicide among high school students, staff and parents | High school students. Optional Parent Workshop costs $175 (includes Power Point presentation and Parent Component); 2 hour awareness training included for staff | In-class | Four 1-hour lesson plans | $425 plus $25 shipping (includes implementation, coordinator, and teacher manuals with associated PowerPoint presentations and DVD’s) * Additional Teacher Manual $137.50 (includes PowerPoint presentation and Never Enough DVD) * Optional Parent Workshop $175 (includes PowerPoint presentation and Parent Component DVD) * Optional Overview Presentation (plus expenses) $350 | School staff or health teachers. Curriculum, videos and slides made to be easily learned for self-implementation | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | Self-taught. Easy to follow manual. Takes a few hours |
More Than Sad | https://afsp.org/more-than-sad/ | Suicide Prevention and General Mental Health, SPRC Gatekeeper | There are three programs for More Than Sad: a. School personnel learn school's resources, policies & protocols for identifying & assisting youth at risk of suicide; b. Parents learn to identify signs of depression & other mental health problems, how to talk about mental health with their child & how to get help; c. Students learn to recognize mental health issues in friends & how to refer them. | High School students [note: may be used for middle school students]. Training is available in a video for educators, school staff & parents. | In-class for students, Teachers and parents version in assembly or staff development | The program is built around two 35-minute DVDs | $59.99 for two DVD set from AFSP store. Accompanying material (facilitator guide and other materials) can be downloaded on the AFSP website https: //afsp.org/our-work/education/more-than-sad/. Local AFSP chapters can gift the program to schools no cost. If chapter hosts MTS presentation is is at no cost. | School educator/counselor or, if through the local AFSP chapter, by volunteers. | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | Training available for parents and staff (English and Spanish) | Approximately one half day. Current TSL model being modified. Mini pilot being conducted to modify the TSL model. |
Break Free from Depression | https://www.childrenshospital.org/programs/boston-childrens-hospital-neighborhood-partnerships/tap-online-trainings/break-free-depression-program | General Mental Health | Focus on signs of depression & importance of help-seeking. Must have bandwidth to train facilitators for delivery of modules, online self-paced coursed available. | High School students. Modules available for staff/educators and parents. | In-class | 4 sessions, 1 hr each | FREE: includes access to online curricula training, teaching materials will be available upon successful completion of this online training. Included in the materials are step-by-step directions, handouts, resources, and presentations for the student curriculum, parent workshop, staff workshop, and the Break Free from Depression documentary. | School staff or itinerant staff/agencies working with the School/District | Evidence-Based | N/A | N/A | FREE 2 hour webinar training |
NAMI on Campus High School (NCHS) Clubs | https://namica.org/nami-on-campus/#section-nami-on-campus-high-school | General Mental Health | Student-led groups on high school campuses where students are empowered to end stigma by raising awareness about mental illness. Main goals: end stigma, improve mental health awareness and provide a supportive environment for students with mental illnesses. | High School students | Club | Ongoing | FREE: NAMI State organization and local NAMI affiliate provide support for students and Advisors. Materials are provided and include resources, manuals and toolkits | Club organized like all HS clubs with an advisor present at all meetings. NAMI State organization and local NAMI affiliate provide support for students and Advisors. | Evidence-Based | N/A | N/A | Specific criteria to become a club on campus (6 steps: webinar, interview, etc.); 1 day regional trainings offered for area clubs to meet. |
Bring Change to Mind (Club) | https://bringchange2mind.org/get-involved/high-school-program/#start | General Mental Health | A student-led club aimed at giving teens a platform to share their voices and raise awareness around mental health. Main goal: educate about mental health, have a regional manger who helps with club goals throughout the year with twice a year check-ins and always availble by email. Yearly summit where all regional schools come together to share ideas. | High School students | Club | Ongoing | FREE: The club provides all of the following: * An annual $500 grant for group activities * Educational and promotional materials * Access to the Club Portal containing event & activity breakdowns, educational presentations, and a club guidebook * An invitation to Annual BC2M HS Student Summit where all club members come together to learn from leaders in the mental health field and share their club stories and experiences with each other * Free annual Headspace meditation app subscription; and invitations to upcoming events in your area | These clubs are organized like all HS clubs with a teacher or admin advisor present at all meetings and club events. Advisors are given a manual and have access to BC2M headquarters and the regional manager. | Evidence-Based | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Signs of Suicide (SOS) | https://www.mindwise.org/suicide-prevention/ | Suicide Prevention, SPRC Gatekeeper | Students will learn how to identify the signs of depression and suicide in themselves and their peers. This training promotes help-seeking behaviors through the ACT model (Acknowledge, Care, Tell). | Middle school and High school students, ages 11-17. Gatekeeper trainng portions available for adults (i.e. parents or school staff); included in purchase | In-class | 1 hr | $495 for one year license (DVD, discussion guide, depression screening tool, access to online portal). The program also includes training materials for faculty and school staff as well as in-person and online educational materials for parents. | School staff | Evidence-Based | • National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP) evidence-based trainings recommended for school counselors and social workers • Designation as a "Program with Evidence of Effectiveness" • SPRC designated this intervention as a “program with evidence of effectiveness” based on its inclusion in SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP). | N/A | N/A |
Youth Aware of Mental Health (YAM) | https://www.y-a-m.org | General Mental Health | Youth Aware of Mental Health (YAM) is a youth driven school-based program in which youth learn about and discuss mental health through discussion and role-plays. YAM invites youth to reflect on their emotions and to consider different approaches when faced with life challenges or mental health concerns. | 8-12 grade students, ages 13-17 | In-class | 5 sessions, 1 hr each over three weeks | Contact YAM at info@mentalhealthinmind.com | Two trained adult program facilitators | Evidence-Based | YAM was evaluated in EU-wide Randomized Controlled Trial in which more than 11, 000 youth participated. Results found YAM effective in reducing new cases of suicide attempts and severe suicidal ideation by approximately 50%. New cases of depression were reduced by approximately 30% in the youth participating in YAM. | YAM works within local needs including language and culture | One of these adults have completed an intensive week-long certification before becoming a YAM instructor and the other one a shorter training to act as support in the classroom. All YAM instructors have prior experience working with groups of youth (e.g., youth workers, teachers, social workers, counselors or school psychologists). |
H.E.L.P. (Helping Every Living Person) | https://www.crisisconnections.org/get-training/schools/ | Suicide Prevention and General Mental Health, SPRC Gatekeeper | Increase student knowledge about suicide, depression, anxiety, healthy coping skills through discussion and problem-solving activities. Learn suicide intervention skills. | 9th-11th grades | In-class | Four 45-minute lessons | For the low price of $250 you will get access to four short 45-minute lessons | Classroom teachers or counselors can incorporate into their health, social skills or family life curricula. | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | N/A |
Gryphon Place, the Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Program: A High School Curriculum * | https://sprc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/GatekeeperMatrix6-21-18_0.pdf | Suicide Prevention, SPRC Gatekeeper | De-stigmatize mental illness, identify the warning signs of suicide and increase help-seeking behavior. The Gatekeeper Program has never been brought outside of MI state lines. Currently don't have the copyright or staff to administer the program on a larger scale. | High school students (9th grade). Staff & parent awareness presentations are offered to schools | In-class | Four 1-hour sessions taught on consecutive days | Costs vary; payment is dependant on the school district | Whoever is trained and is working with the school district | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | The training is 3-4 days. |
Youth Mental Health First Aid | https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/population-focused-modules/youth/ | General Mental Health | Understand risk factors and warning signs for common mental health challenges, review typical adolescent development and learn a 5-step mental health action plan to help youth in both crisis and non-crisis situations. | High school students. (Also available to non-mental health school personnel and parents) | In-class | 6.5-8 hours | FREE for the Santa Clara County community, request must be made through BHSD Suicide Prevention Program | Certitifed Youth Mental Health First Aid trainer(s) | Evidence-Based | Refer to website | N/A | N/A |
Gryphon Place Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Program: A Middle School Curriculum | https://www.gryphon.org/gatekeeper | Suicide Prevention, SPRC Gatekeeper | De-stigmatize mental illness, identify the warning signs of suicide and increase help-seeking behavior. The Gatekeeper Program has never been brought outside of MI state lines. Currently don't have the copyright or staff to administer the program on a larger scale. | Middle school students (7th grade). Staff & parent awareness presentations are offered to schools. | In-class | Three 1-hour sessions taught on consecutive days | Costs vary; payment is dependant on the school district | Whoever is trained and is working with the school district | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | The training is 3-4 days. |
Gryphon Place, the Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention Program: A High School Curriculum | https://sprc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/GatekeeperMatrix6-21-18_0.pdf | Suicide Prevention, SPRC Gatekeeper | De-stigmatize mental illness, identify the warning signs of suicide and increase help-seeking behavior. The Gatekeeper Program has never been brought outside of MI state lines. Currently don't have the copyright or staff to administer the program on a larger scale. | High school students (9th grade). Staff and parent awareness presentations are offered to schools. | In-class | Four 1-hour sessions taught on consecutive days | Costs vary; payment is dependant on the school district | Whoever is trained and is working with the school district | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | The training is 3-4 days. |
Signs of Suicide (SOS) | https://www.mindwise.org/suicide-prevention/ | Suicide Prevention, SPRC Gatekeeper | Students will learn how to identify the signs of depression and suicide in themselves and their peers. This training promotes help-seeking behaviors through the ACT model (Acknowledge, Care, Tell). | Middle school and High school students, ages 11-17. Gatekeeper training portions available for adults (i.e. parents or school staff) . | In-class | 1 hr | $495 for one year license (DVD, discussion guide, depression screening tool, access to online portal) | School staff | Evidence-Based | • National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP) evidence-based trainings recommended for school counselors and social workers • Designation as a "Program with Evidence of Effectiveness" • SPRC designated this intervention as a “program with evidence of effectiveness” based on its inclusion in SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP). | N/A | N/A |
Response: A Comprehensive High School-based Suicide Awareness Program (2nd Edition) | https://sprc.org/online-library/after-suicide-toolkit-schools | Suicide Prevention, SPRC Gatekeeper | Increase awareness about suicide among high school students, staff and parents | High school students. Optional Parent Workshop costs $175 (includes PowerPoint presentation and Parent Component); two-hour awareness training included for staff. | In-class | Four 1-hour lesson plans | $425 plus $25 shipping (includes implementation, coordinator, and teacher manuals with associated PowerPoint presentations and DVD’s) * Additional Teacher Manual $137.50 (includes PowerPoint presentation and Never Enough DVD) * Optional Parent Workshop $175 (includes PowerPoint presentation and Parent Component DVD) | School staff or health teachers. Curriculum, videos and slides made to be easily learned for self-implementation | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | Self-taught. Easy to follow manual. Takes a few hours |
Sources of Strength | https://sourcesofstrength.org | Suicide Prevention and General Mental Health, SPRC Gatekeeper | Focused on increasing help seeking behaviors and promoting connections between peers and adults. This training uses upstream approaches to strengthen sources of support. Must identify adult lead (school site) to champion this work and support peer leaders. | Middle/High school students. Parent and school staff trainings available . | In-person | 3-6 month project | $5,000 per school/team plus an additional $4,000 to send one participant to attend a four-day Train the Trainer (T4T) event. The cost per participant drops to $2,500 if you send more than one. More details on the cost and access can be found at: https://www.sprc. org/sites/default/files/Sources%20of%20Strength%20NREPP%20LEgacy% | The program is delivered by either someone from Sources of Strength national training staff or a certified regional trainer. Costs: $4,000 to send one participant to attend a four-day Train the Trainer (T4T) event; the cost per participant drops to $2,500 if you send more than one. | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | N/A | Generally, about 18 months. The two most time-consuming pieces of certification are that the candidate needs to attend a four-day Train the Trainer (T4T) event, and then co-train with someone from Sources of Strength staff twice. More details on the process of trainer certification can be found at: https: //sourcesofstrength.org/trainers/t4t-overview/ |
More Than Sad | https://afsp.org/more-than-sad/ | Suicide Prevention and General Mental Health, SPRC Gatekeeper | There are three programs for More Than Sad: a. School personnel learn school's resources, policies & protocols for identifying & assisting youth at risk of suicide; b. Parents learn to identify signs of depression & other mental health problems, how to talk about mental health with their child & how to get | High School students [note: may be used for middle school students]. A video training is available for educators, school staff, & parents. | In-class for students, Teachers and parents version in assembly or staff development | The program is built around two 35-minute DVDs | $59.99 for two DVD set from AFSP store. Accompanying material (facilitator guide and other materials) can be downloaded on the AFSP website https: //afsp.org/our-work/education/more-than-sad/. Local AFSP chapters can gift the program to schools no cost. If chapter hosts MTS presentation is is at no cost. | School educator/counselor or, if through the local AFSP chapter, by volunteers. | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | Training available for parents and staff (English and Spanish) | Approximately one half day. Current TSL model being modified. Mini pilot being conducted to modify the TSL model. |
Riding the Waves | https://www.crisisconnections.org/get-training/schools/ | General Mental Health and Healthy Emotional Development | Curriculum composed of interactive discussions and skill-building activities | 5th grade students. Parent education handout available . | In-class | 12 short (20-40 minutes) lessons | For the low price of $250 you will get access to 12 short (20-40 minutes) lessons in Riding the Waves, which includes interactive discussions and skill- building activities. Another component to Riding the Waves is a parent education handout, which students will take home to share with parents or guardians. They not only summarize the content of that day’s lesson, but also encourage parents to talk about and practice the new skills with their children. | Teachers and Educators | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Break Free from Depression | https://www.childrenshospital.org/programs/boston-childrens-hospital-neighborhood-partnerships/tap-online-trainings/break-free-depression-program | General Mental Health | Focus on signs of depression & importance of help-seeking. Must have bandwidth to train facilitators for delivery of modules, online self-paced coursed available. | High School students. Modules available for staff/eduaucators and parents . | In-class | 4 sessions, 1 hr each | FREE: includes access to online curricula training, teaching materials will be available upon successful completion of this online training. Included in the materials are step-by-step directions, handouts, resources, and presentations for the student curriculum, parent workshop, staff workshop, and the Break Free from Depression documentary. | School staff or itinerant staff/agencies working with the School/District | Evidence-Based | N/A | N/A | FREE 2 hour webinar training |
Bounce Back | https://www.cebc4cw.org/program/bounce-back/detailed#:~:text=The%20goals%20for%20Bounce%20Back,coping%20and%20problem%20solving%20strategies | General Mental Health | School-based group intervention that aims to teach elementary students ways to cope with and recover from traumatic experiences | Elementary students exposed to stressful and traumatic events (K-5, ages 5-11). One to three 1-hour group parent sessions . | Ten group sessions of 4 to 6 children and 2-3 individual sessions if needed. | Approximatly 10 weeks for one session per week. | Materials Free download. Cost of printing. Training cost is $2,500 per trainer for the 1 day training and $3750 per trainer for the 1.5 day training plus travel, hotel, meals. 1 trainer per 15 trainees. The 1.5 day training is for clinicians who have not been trained previously in Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) | One day training is recommended for mental health clinicians who have been trained in Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) and or Trauma Focused- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and who have solid familiarity with child trauma, group therapy and CBT. One and 1/2 day training is for clinicians who have not been previously trained in CBITS. How to make material culturally and contextually relevant included. | N | 1 randomized controlled trial completed shows effective. Replication study underway; Langley, A.K. et. al. (2015). Bounce back: Effectiveness of an elemenatary school-based intervention for multicultural children exposed to traumatic events. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83, 853-865. | N/A | Training a trainer can take 6-12 months to complete |
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) | https://bhsd.sccgov.org/programs-services/suicide-prevention-crisis/trainings | Suicide Prevention, SPRC Gatekeeper | Learn about warning signs of suicide, how to refer/connect to help. Available as a free in-person by SCC BHSD or online self-paced training. | Adults 18 years or older | In-class & online | 1-2 hrs | FREE: includes access to training, handouts, and resources | Certified QPR trainer | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www.sprc.org/resources- programs/choosing-suicide-prevention-gatekeeper-training- program-comparison-table | Spanish | N/A |
SafeTALK | https://www.livingworks.net/safetalk | Suicide Prevention | Learn to move beyond the common tendency to miss, dismiss, and avoid suicide. Apply the TALK steps: Tell, Ask, Listen, and KeepSafe. | High school students (Training also avaialble for school staff/personnel) | In-class | 3 hours | Cost includes 30 max participant training plus materials, estimate available by contacting LivingWorks | Certified LivingWorks trainer | Evidence-Based | Refer to website | N/A | N/A |
Be Sensitive, Be Brave: Suicide Prevention | https://health.sccgov.org/news/news-release/be-sensitive-be-brave-new-culturally-sensitive-suicide-prevention-program-now | Suicide Prevention | Learn to navigate conversations about suicide across diverse populations. Participants will explore tailored content to define suicide, identify specific warning signs and how to about suicide with compassion to account for cultural differences. | High school students (Training also avaialble for school staff/personnel) | In-class & Online | 1.5-2 hours | FREE for the Santa Clara County community, request must be made through BHSD Suicide Prevention Program | Palo Alto University trainer(s) | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Youth Mental Health First Aid | https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/population-focused-modules/youth/ | General Mental Health | Understand risk factors and warning signs for common mental health challenges, review typical adolescent development and learn a 5-step mental health action plan to help youth in both crisis and non-crisis situations. | Parents (HS students, non-mental health school personnel) | In-class | 6.5-8 hours | FREE for the Santa Clara County community, request must be made through BHSD Suicide Prevention Program | Certitifed Youth Mental Health First Aid trainer(s) | Evidence-Based | Refer to website | N/A | N/A |
Curriculum | Website Link | Content | Brief Description | Who Can Be Trained | Format | Duration | Cost and Access | Who teaches the curriculum | Evidence-Based or Evidence-Informed? | Annotations w/ research supporting curricula | Languages (if available) | If applicable: How long does it take to train the trainer? |