Affiliate Organizations
During the past year, the following organizations have taken part in HEARD work in one or more of following ways: attending a HEARD meeting, consulting on special projects, providing expertise, or pledging mental health treatment slots for youth in the community. (If we have overlooked any individuals or organizations, please forgive us.)
In addition to our affiliate organizations below, the HEARD Alliance works closely with members of the City of Palo Alto’s Project Safety Net (PSN), which aims to improve the lives of Palo Alto Teens through developing and implementing an effective, comprehensive, community-based mental health plan for overall youth well-being in Palo Alto.
Primary Care/Pediatrics
Mental Health Systems
- Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital/Stanford (LPCH), Psychiatry
- Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
- Mills Peninsula Health Services
- Kaiser Permanente Northern California
- Bay Area Children’s Association
- Kara
- Grief Support & Education
- Adolescent Counseling Services
- Children’s Health Council
- EMQ Families First
- One East Palo Alto
- Community Health Awareness Council (CHAC) of Mountain View/Los Altos
- Asian Americans for Community Involvement
- El Camino Hospital
- Fremont Hospital
- Family & Children’s Services Palo Alto
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- Gronowski Clinic
- Jewish Family & Children’s Services
- San Jose State University, Counseling Services
- Individual clinicians from the communities of private practice mental health and county mental health