Resources for Educators
“Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment. It is also a set of techniques and methods for systematically developing this awareness. The practice of mindful awareness has a variety of well-documented impacts, including a reduction in toxic stress, an increase in emotion regulation, and an improvement in sustained attention, focus and executive functioning.” ~ http://www.mindfulschools.org
Select each category below to find resources for mindfulness.
- GoNoodle (Brain breaks to use with elementary and middle school students)
- Mindful Schools
- Mindful Teachers
- Daniel Tiger’s Grr-ific Feelings (Pre-K-K): (PBS KIDS) Songs and activities help kids express, recognize, and understand emotions
- Bouncy the People Trainer’s You Can Learn (Pre-K-1): (Ripple Effects) Thorough, thoughtful multimedia social-emotional learning experience
- Breathe, Think, Do the Sesame (Pre-K – 1): (Sesame Street) Semame Street winner teaches kids how to keep calm and carry on
- Calm Counter – Social Story and Anger Management Tool (K-1): (Touch Autism) SImple, effective tool for helping kids keep anger in check
- IF… The Emotion IQ Game (1-7): (If You Can) Captivating journey cultivates kids’ social and emotional skills
- Mindprint Learning (2-12): Expert feedback and tools designed for individual learner profiles
- Mindfulness for Children: (Mindful-app.com) meditation exercises aimed specifically at children
- Stop, Breathe & Think (5-12): Appealing app guides meditation, promotes compassion
- Smiling Mind (8-12): (Smiling Mind) Quick and easy meditation practice for busy classroom minds
- Take a Break! Guided Meditations for Stress Relief: Individuals can listen to relaxing audios for a “work break”
For Educators
- A Still Quiet Place: A Mindfulness Program for Teaching Children and Adolescents to Ease Stress and Difficult Emotions – Amy Saltzman
- The Behavior Code Companion: Strategies, Tools, and Interventions for Supporting Students with Anxiety Related or Oppositional Behaviors – Jessica Minahan, MEd, BCBA
- Mindful Teaching and Teaching Mindfulness: A Guide for Anyone Who Teaches Anything – Deborah Schoeberlein David with Suki Sheth
- The Way of Mindful Education: Cultivating Well-Being in Teachers and Students – Daniel Rechtschaffen
- The Invisible Classroom: Relationships, Neuroscience, and Mindfulness in School – Kirke Olson
Children’s Books about Mindfulness (for teaching mindfulness)
- A Handful of Quiet: Happiness in Four Pebbles – Thich Nhat Hanh
- Planting Seeds: Practicing Mindfulness with Children – Thich Nhat Hanh