Parent Toolbox – Mental Health Resources

Parent Toolbox – Mental Health Resources

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wdt_ID Resources Focus Web Links Description/Content Additional Language
1 ADDitude Expert Webinars & Podcasts Special Needs Exhaustive and helpful resource from ADDitude Magazine - for parents of children with ADHD. Register for live webinars or listen to vast library of recorded webinars with national experts addressing a variety of topics related to understanding and supporting children with ADHD.
2 The ADDitude Magazine: ADHD Parenting Special Needs The ADDitude Magazine/website provides comprehensive information to help parents learn effective ways to parent their child diagnosed with ADHD. Resource topics include positive parenting strategies, discipline, well-being, treatment, schedules, friendships, physical health,etc.
3 6 Principles for Raising a Child with ADHD - Russell A. Barkley Special Needs Dr. Russell Barkley, a clinical psychologist, professor and author, shares research and resources on how to effectively parent a child with ADHD.
4 CHC Resource Library - How Parents Can Help with Teen Mental Health Mental Health Children's Health Council (CHC) Resource Library provides a collection of mental health resources for parents. This link also contains parent questions about teen mental health, (e.g. anxiety and depression, social media, school pressure, etc.) with answers posted by CHC staff members and other expert contributors. Connect with other parents at one of their free virtual monthly parent support groups--for parents of children with Anxiety, ADHD and Learning Differences. Each group is facilitated by a CHC expert.
5 Identifying Teen Mental Health Difficulties: A Practical Guide for Parents Mental Health The guide outlines the symptoms for four common mental health diagnoses—behavior and conduct disorder, anxiety disorders, depression, and substance abuse— and advises parents and family members on the steps they can take to help.
6 The Center for Childhood Resilience: Caregiver and Provider Resources Mental Health The Center for Childhood Resilience is "a tool for caregivers and providers of children and adolescents to learn more about families and trauma" - specific areas include aftermath of mass violence, bullying prevention, and trauma.
7 Adolescent Counseling Services Mental Health ACS is a unique service offering both private and school-based counseling programs for Bay Area teens and families. It also offers family-based substance abuse treatment for youth.
8 National Institute for Mental Health - "I'm So Stressed Out Fact Sheet" Mental Health The differences between stress and anxiety are explained. Information about how each can affect a person, how to cope and when to seek help is provided by this short fact sheet.
9 California Surgeon General’s Playbook: Stress Relief for Caregivers and Kids during COVID-19 Mental Health Excellent guide for helping parent children during stressful times. The playbook contains useful advice and practical techniques to help reduce stress in children and families.
10 AFSP: What Parents Can DO: Promoting Mental Wellness in Our Children Mental Health Tips for parents about how to foster resilience in youth and what to do if they notice worrisome behavioral changes in their child.
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