Trainings/Programs Resources for School Staff & Teachers
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Curriculum | Website Link | Content | Brief Description | Who Can Be Trained | Format | Duration | Cost and Access | Who teaches the curriculum | Evidence-Based or Evidence-Informed? | Annotations w/ research supporting curricula | Languages (if available) | If applicable: How long does it take to train the trainer? |
Kognito: At-Risk for Early Childhood Educators | https://access.kognito.com/textalternative/ARPK/ | General Mental Health | An interactive role-play simulation that helps educators and adults increase their knowledge and awareness around mental health and behavior management | Educators and adults who work with children ages 3-5 (preschool, childcare centers, & early childhood degree programs) | Online | 45 mins | * Available via cost-share with County of Santa Clara * Individual Users: $33.60 * Cost/district: $5,000 ($400/school) * Includes yearly subscriptions to simulations that include hosting, technical assistance, program evaluation, and usage reports | Online simulation | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www. sprc.org/resources-programs/choosing-suicide- prevention-gatekeeper-training-program-comparison- table | N/A | N/A |
Kognito: At-Risk for Elementary School Educators | https://access.kognito.com/textalternative/ares/index.html | General Mental Health | An interactive role-play simulation that develops knowledge and skills for identifying, approaching, and referring students exhibiting signs of psychological distress | Educators, teachers, and school personnel | Online | 60/120 mins | * Available via cost-share with County of Santa Clara * Individual Users: $33.60 * Cost/district: $5,000 ($400/school) * Includes yearly subscriptions to simulations that include hosting, technical assistance, program evaluation, and usage reports | Online simulation | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www. sprc.org/resources-programs/choosing-suicide- prevention-gatekeeper-training-program-comparison- table | N/A | N/A |
Kognito: At-Risk for Middle School Educators | https://access.kognito.com/textalternative/Trauma-ARMS/ | Suicide Prevention and General Mental Health | An interactive role-play simulation that develops knowledge and skills for identifying, approaching, and referring students exhibiting signs of psychological distress. Available through first year of S4SP partnership. | Educators, teachers, and school personnel | Online | 60/120 mins | * Available via cost-share with County of Santa Clara * Individual Users: $33.60 * Cost/district: $5,000 ($400/school) * Includes yearly subscriptions to simulations that include hosting, technical assistance, program evaluation, and usage reports | Online simulation | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www. sprc.org/resources-programs/choosing-suicide- prevention-gatekeeper-training-program-comparison- table | N/A | N/A |
Kognito: At-Risk for High School Educators | https://access.kognito.com/textalternative/ARHS/index.html | Suicide Prevention and General Mental Health | An interactive role-play simulation that develops knowledge and skills for identifying, approaching, and referring students exhibiting signs of psychological distress. Available through first year of S4SP partnership. | Educators, teachers, and school personnel | Online | 60/120 mins | * Available via cost-share with County of Santa Clara * Individual Users: $33.60 * Cost/district: $5,000 ($400/school) * Includes yearly subscriptions to simulations that include hosting, technical assistance, program evaluation, and usage reports | Online simulation | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www. sprc.org/resources-programs/choosing-suicide- prevention-gatekeeper-training-program-comparison- table | N/A | N/A |
Kognito: Trauma-Informed Practices for K-12 Schools | https://kognito.com/blog/trauma-informed-educators-better-prepared-to-recognize-and-address-trauma-in-the-classroom/#:~:text=Kognito's%20Trauma%2DInformed%20Practices%20for,sources%20of%20trauma%20or%20distress. | Trauma-informed; teaching adverse childhood experiences | An interactive role play simulation for educators to learn skills to better support students who may be having issues related to distress or trauma. | Educators, teachers, and school personnel | Online | 30-45 mins | * Available via cost-share with County of Santa Clara * Individual Users: $33.60 * Cost/district: $5,000 ($400/school) * Includes yearly subscriptions to simulations that include hosting, technical assistance, program evaluation, and usage reports | Online simulation | Evidence-Informed | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Kognito: Building Respect: Bullying Prevention in Schools | https://kognito.com/blog/building-respect-a-bullying-prevention-simulation-to-promote-safer-schools/ | Bullying Prevention | An interactive role play simulation for educators to practice conversation techniques to address biased language in the classroom, reach out when they suspect signs of bullying, and reinforce reporting bullying behavior. | Educators, teachers, and school personnel | Online | 40 mins | * Available via cost-share with County of Santa Clara * Individual Users: $33.60 * Cost/district: $5,000 ($400/school) * Includes yearly subscriptions to simulations that include hosting, technical assistance, program evaluation, and usage reports | Online simulation | Evidence-Informed | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Kognito: Step In Speak Up | https://access.kognito.com/textalternative/sisu/index.html | General Mental Health | An interactive role-play simulation that helps educators increase their knowledge and awareness around the challenges faced by youth in the LGBTQ community, and provides an opportunity to practice effective classroom management techniques for creating a safe space for all students. | Educators, teachers, and school personnel | Online | 30 mins | FREE (includes yearly subscriptions to simulations that include hosting, technical assistance, program evaluation, and usage reports). | Online simulation | Evidence-Based | • National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP) evidence-based trainings recommended for school counselors and social workers • Designation as a "Program with Evidence of Effectiveness" • SPRC designated this intervention as a “program with evidence of effectiveness” based on its inclusion in SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP). | N/A | N/A |
Kognito: Resilient Together: Coping with Loss at School | https://access.kognito.com/textalternative/sisu/index.html | Suicide Postvention | An interactive role-play simulation to prepare schools for responding to a death in the school community. | Educators, teachers, and school personnel | Online | 40 mins | * Available via cost-share with County of Santa Clara * Individual Users: $33.60 * Cost/district: $5,000 ($400/school) * Includes yearly subscriptions to simulations that include hosting, technical assistance, program evaluation, and usage reports | Online simulation | Evidence-Informed | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Boston Children's Hospital Neighborhood Partnerships / Training and Access Project (TAP) | http://www.childrenshospital.org/taponline | General Mental Health | Various oline trainings on Social-Emotional Learning and Behavioral Health offered for educators | Educators, teachers, and school personnel | Online | Varies | FREE (includes access to online training, additional resources and discussion topics that can be used at your school, as well as a certificate of completion). | Online training | Evidence-Based | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) | https://bhsd.sccgov.org/programs-services/suicide-prevention-crisis/trainings | Suicide Prevention, SPRC Gatekeeper | Learn about warning signs of suicide, how to refer/connect to help. Available as a free in- person by SCC BHSD or online self-paced training. | Adults 18 years or older | In-class & online | 1-2 hrs | FREE: includes access to training, handouts, and resources | Certified QPR trainer | Evidence-Based | “Choosing a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training Program - A Comparison Table, Updated by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, July 2018” https://www. sprc.org/resources-programs/choosing-suicide- prevention-gatekeeper-training-program-comparison- | Spanish | N/A |
LivingWorks START (most recent program) | https://www.livingworks.net/start | Suicide Prevention | Students will be able to identify the warning signs of suicide and be able to connect peers to resources | Middle and High school students. Training available for staff. | Online | 1-1.5 hours | Limited license availability for FREE via request to Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE); includes access to curricula, safety resources, and support | Online training | Evidence-Based | Emailed attachments of an info sheet as well as evidenced based research that was completed for the California Board of Education that was conducted on both eSuicideTALK and LivingWorks Start. | N/A | N/A |
SafeTALK | https://www.livingworks.net/safetalk | Suicide Prevention | Learn to move beyond the common tendency to miss, dismiss, and avoid suicide. Apply the TALK steps: Tell, Ask, Listen, and KeepSafe. | High school students (Training also avaialble for school staff/personnel) | In-class | 3 hours | Cost includes 30 max participant training plus materials, estimate available by contacting LivingWorks | Certified LivingWorks trainer | Evidence-Based | Refer to website | N/A | N/A |
Be Sensitive, Be Brave: Suicide Prevention | https://health.sccgov.org/news/news-release/be-sensitive-be-brave-new-culturally-sensitive-suicide-prevention-program-now | Suicide Prevention | Learn to navigate conversations about suicide across diverse populations. Participants will explore tailored content to define suicide, identify specific warning signs and how to about suicide with compassion to account for cultural differences. | High school students (Training also avaialble for school staff/personnel) | In-class & Online | 1.5-2 hours | FREE for the Santa Clara County community, request must be made through BHSD Suicide Prevention Program | Palo Alto University trainer(s) | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Curriculum | Website Link | Content | Brief Description | Who Can Be Trained | Format | Duration | Cost and Access | Who teaches the curriculum | Evidence-Based or Evidence-Informed? | Annotations w/ research supporting curricula | Languages (if available) | If applicable: How long does it take to train the trainer? |