In this section, summaries are presented for common situations which youth may experience that create barriers to learning and may increase their likelihood of developing mental health conditions.
Opportunities for creating safe and supportive environments for each of these challenges are discussed. Issues covered include fostering resilience through skill building, resource development, help seeking, and collaboration among parents, educators, counselors, and clinicians.
In This Section You Will Find:
The importance of shifting focus from “what is wrong with this person” to “what is happening for this person.”
The importance of shifting focus from “what is wrong with this person” to “what is happening for this person.”
An understanding of distresses and difficulties youth face that interfere with learning.
What a learning communities’ role is regarding healing.
An understanding of the role of parent’s/caregivers.
When to seek clinical interventions.
What role these challenges can play in youth suicidality, if any.
- Youth Exposure to Trauma and Adversity (Ryan Matlow, Clinical Associate Professor, Stanford University)
- Bullying
- Learning Differences and Mental Health: Overlap and Opportunities for Support
- The Overdose Crisis in U.S. Adolescents (The New England Journal of Medicine)
- Coming soon