How a person attempts suicide, the means they use, plays a key role in whether they live or die. If highly lethal means are not available when someone is experiencing a suicidal crisis, the likelihood of them dying is decreased. Reducing access to lethal means puts lifesaving time between the suicidal thought and the action. For this reason, focusing on the way in which someone may attempt suicide in addition to the reasons why they may do so is vital.
In This Section You Will Find:
- Information on Means Restriction
- What to do for:
○ Parents/Guardians
○ Professionals
○ Population-level
- Harvard School of Public Health
- Harvard School of Public Health – Means Matter: Recommendations for Families
- SPRC & Brady Center. Is Your Home Suicide-Proof?
- AFSP and NSSF Tremendous Potential to Save Lives
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention – Firearms and Suicide Prevention
- SPRC & WICHE. Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Rural Primary Care Practices