Most school transitions occur simultaneously with crucial developmental changes – both physical and psychological. These shifts to “more socially complex and academically demanding contexts” create times when students need a supportive, stable, and caring environment.
- The transition from Elementary to Middle School is a significant step towards independence. At the same time many physical, intellectual, moral/ethical, emotional, psychological and social changes are occurring.
- During the transition from Middle to High School, students continue to desire more independence. At the same time it is important for parents to stay involved in their child’s personal, educational, and social lives. Research has shown a decline in grades and attendance for ninth graders. When families are involved, students are more likely to have higher academic achievement, be better adjusted, and graduate.
For more information, see Attachment 1.2 Transitioning: Primary School Through Life After High School in the PDF version of the Toolkit.
In This Section You Will Find:
- Transition resources and tips for students, families and school staff
- Middle, High School and College preparation tools
- Sample Transition Letters for schools
General Information
Elementary to Middle School Transition
General Information
- Making the Transition to Middle School: How Mentoring Can Help (US Department of Education)
- Middle School Matters! A Guide for Families on Middle School Transition (Georgia Department of Education)
Elementary to Middle School Transition
- Middle School Transition Tips for Students
- Middle School – Worries and Concerns
- Making the Move to Middle School (Strategies and Tools)
Middle School to High School & Beyond
- Transitioning to High School
- College: Where Do You Start?
- Set To Go (JED Foundation) – High School to College & Adulthood
Tools for Parents/School Staff
- Middle School Transition Tips for Parents
- Peer Pressure & Teens
- Alternative Paths After High School
- The Misunderstood Middle Schooler
- Seven Ways to Help High Schoolers Find Purpose
- High School is Happening! A Guide for Families on High School Transition